Final Fantsay IX
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Voice overs are fun!

Katie, Jennifer, Becca and I do voice over acting for this game when we play at Jennifer's house.

  Voice acters for final fantsay 9

I do voices for Zidane and Garnet. Becca does Queen Brahme, Zorn and Vivi. Katie does Stiner, Ruby and the moogles. Jennifer does the other members of the theatre group like Marcus and Blank. We havn't gotten to Freya, Quina, Beatrix or the others yet.

Final Fantasy IX  voice acting quotes

Garnet:"oh no no no!"       Zidane: "oh yes yes yes!" (Chasing around tower in Alexandria)

Knight of Pluto: (with lisp) "hey Stiner you can sit next to me and watch the pretty water"

Stiner: "Vivi, i need to ask you for your assistance with my 'magic sword'"

Garnet: "Zidane, I have something to tell you... I'm going to look like my mother when i grow up"

Zidane: "mushrooooooooooms!"

Zidane: "hey hey Stiiiner!"         Stiner:"What Zidane?"       (Zidane laughs histarically)

Zidane: "hey the bad guys put me to sleep can i still talk in my sleep?"    Everyone: "NOOO!"

Garnet: "Zidane you're such an idiot! I'm going after vivi from now on. (directing her attention to vivi) come here you little rascal"

Vivi: "Wait Puck! I still want to be your slave!"